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Serving East Central Missouri for Over 50 Years

kitchen interior in Troy, MO

Professional Assistance for Your Real Estate Needs

Cannon Realty is your trusted partner for real estate services in East Central Missouri. We use our expertise and resources to guide you through the transaction process, making your real estate journey seamless. Contact us today and receive professional assistance for all your real estate needs.

Search for Homes in East Central Missouri

Our experienced team knows the local market and can help you locate the perfect property based on your needs and budget. With access to an extensive network and a deep understanding of East Central Missouri, we make your home search easy and efficient. You can browse available homes or reach out to us for personalized assistance. We’re committed to helping you find the ideal home and ensuring a smooth, stress-free buying experience. Let us assist you in purchasing your dream property today.

Browse Our Featured Listings

Browse our extensive property listings to explore home, business, and agricultural properties in East Central Missouri. Whether you’re looking for a new home or a great investment opportunity, we offer various options for different needs and budgets. If you don’t see exactly what you want, don’t hesitate to contact us so we can let you know when a property that matches your needs becomes available. Our team will work tirelessly to help you find the perfect property and get the best financing based on your budget.

Hear From Our Satisfied Clients

At Cannon Realty, our clients consistently express satisfaction with our exceptional service and expertise. Our professional realty team has earned a reputation for delivering personalized, professional services that make buying and selling hassle-free.

living room interior in Troy, MO

Real Estate Services That Exceed Your Expectations

Let our experienced and knowledgeable team at Cannon Realty be your trusted partner if you need real estate services in East Central Missouri. We can handle the details while you focus on what matters the most. So, whether you’re a first-time buyer, are opening a business, or need to sell your property, we provide outstanding service that exceeds your expectations. Let us be the key to your real estate needs for residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties. Contact us for assistance or to schedule an appointment to meet with our team.